12 Indoor Plants that are Perfect for Apartment Homes

Indoor plants can do much more than make your apartment home look pretty. They can also boost your mood, reduce stress levels, add soothing scents, eliminate common toxins, and enhance natural air circulation.

In addition to proper maintenance, choosing the right indoor plants is the key to sprucing up your apartment.

The following plants are known to thrive in indoor environments, so they are ideal even for residents who were not born with green thumbs.

Paddle Plant

This succulent grows best in bright light, so keep it beside a window. Water it whenever the top 2 inches are completely dry, which is about every two weeks.


This low-maintenance plant is great for beginners. It can be placed in bright, indirect light or in low light. It can be grown in dry soil or in vases of water, and it tends to do well in nearly any kind of soil. Water it about every 10 days or when the top one or two inches feel dry.

Chinese Evergreen

You can water a Chinese evergreen regularly or once every few weeks. Either way tends to work for this low-maintenance indoor plant. It prefers medium to low light, making it perfect for dimly lit rooms.

Jade Plant

Considered a symbol of good luck, a jade plant does need to be watered regularly. Do not let it dry out completely between waterings. It must be placed in an area with an abundance of natural light.

Asparagus Fern

An asparagus fern is thorny, so wear gloves when taking care of it. Watering this plant entails misting the stems daily. You can place it in a sunny or shady area.


A yucca plant prefers bright, indirect light and sandy soil. It shouldn’t stagnate in damp soil for long periods of time, so make sure the pot has proper drainage. Water it once a week.

Peace Lily

A peace lily prefers low to bright, indirect sunlight and humidity, making it ideal for corners in darker rooms. It can be grown in a vase, as long as it is suspended or floated near the top of the water. If you choose to grow it in soil, water it once a week.


Aloe plants not only beautify homes with an exotic look, but they can also serve medicinal purposes. An aloe plant needs bright sunlight and lots of water, but make sure the soil dries out before you water it again.

String of Pearls

If you want something unique, this is the gem you’ve been looking for. The way this fun plant appears, you would think it belongs on a grapevine. A string of pearl plant prefers bright light and sandy soil. Water it once twice per month.

Calathea Ornata

A calathea ornata can add a burst of color to your home. Keep the soil moist, and place the plant in a humid environment if possible. Don’t let the soil get too dry before watering it. It prefers bright, indirect sunlight.


What’s not to love about this plant? Its heart-shaped leaves can enhance the character of any home. Do not place it in direct sunlight, as the sun could burn the leaves. Water it every one or two weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

Snake Plant

Snake plants should be placed in indirect sunlight. Allow the soil to dry before watering this pretty plant. It typically doesn’t need to be watered more than once every two weeks or even once per month.

6 Ways to Relieve Stress During the Holidays

There’s so much to love about the holidays. Fluffy snowflakes floating all around you, colorful lights on buildings nearby, music in the air.

And then there are a few things you might not love so much, like the stress that comes with the season.

But if you take a moment to step back, you can definitely enjoy all the wonders of the holiday season without as much stress. You just have to be mindful of your own needs and listen to your body and your mind when they tell you to just stop.

Here are a few ways you can relieve stress during the holidays … most of which you might not mind so much.

Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation can affect you in more ways than you know, including contributing to physical pain, poor concentration, general irritability, and possibly even that notorious holiday weight gain. During the holiday season when we all have so much to do, it may be tempting to skimp on sleep, but it’s important to get those 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night to help you tackle the day.

It will most certainly make a difference in how you feel and how those around you feel.

Here are some ways to ensure that you do get a good night’s sleep:

  • Maintain the same sleep schedule.
  • Darken the bedroom before going to sleep.
  • Ensure you have ideal blankets and pillows based on your preference, as well as wear clothing that is optimal for your sleep comfort.
  • Use aromatherapy devices such as diffusers to add a calming, soothing atmosphere in the room.
  • Shut off your devices at least one hour before going to sleep, and set it to sleep mode to avoid being awakened by the sound of text messages, emails, and social media notifications. Don’t allow yourself to check your phone endlessly, shop for gifts, or play those games as you’re trying to fall asleep.

Laugh loudly and love freely

Allow yourself to be happy.

The operative word there is “allow.” Really think about that. … So many people these days stop themselves from smiling or laughing, but why?

Laugh loudly, express affection toward your loved ones, and show kindness to strangers.

One way to put this stress relief tip in action is to spend an evening watching your favorite holiday comedy with your loved ones. Shut down your devices, cuddle up with your family, and make an effort to laugh at the funny scenes in the movie.

Seriously. Concentrate on laughing. Don’t just watch. Allow yourself to laugh out loud when something is funny. Laughter is a stress reliever and can be contagious, so don’t hold back.

Do what you can right now … and leave it at that

An important way to relieve stress is to live in the moment. This moment is all you have, after all, so don’t worry about what you need to do tomorrow, the day after that, or in 2022. All you can do is what you’re doing right now.

Having that mindset can help you complete one task after another rather than feeling overwhelmed by thinking about them all at the same time — or, worse, trying to do them all at the same time. You know very well that when that happens, nothing gets done, which can make your stress level even higher.

Meditate, exercise, or practice mindfulness techniques

Take at least 15 minutes per day to meditate, exercise, or practice mindfulness techniques. Practice yoga, silently meditate, listen to calming music, or sit quietly and listen to the sounds around you. A simple walk around the block will do as well. If you prefer something more active, do your daily aerobics, lift weights, or play sports if you wish.

When done properly and safely, virtually any exercise or wellness technique will work wonders for your body, mind, and spirit and help to melt away the stress of the day.

Maintain a healthy diet

You may be tempted to choose unhealthy foods as you’re trying to finish all your errands or socialize with friends, but try to eat healthy when you can. When you eat better, you feel better. That can reduce physical stress on your body, and that in turn will inevitably improve your mood and mental state.

You don’t have to do everything

You know yourself. You can probably think of many ways to cut down on the things you don’t really need to do.

  • Kindly decline that party invitation from a friend of a friend on Facebook who you never met.
  • If you need to bring food to a party, go ahead and buy it from the store rather than making it from scratch. Some party guests actually prefer store-bought to homemade. Alternatively, buy most of the ingredients and make the main elements of the dish from scratch, just to make sure your dish still feels authentic.
  • Are you having a party in your own home? Consider making it more casual, so you can minimize the time you spend cooking, prepping your home, or washing dishes afterward.
  • Buy gifts online rather than driving from store to store, and take advantage of grocery delivery apps. (That might be safer during this COVID era anyway.)

Remember to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. Consider asking for that help from the children in your life. They might love to wrap those gifts, decorate those cookies, or even help you prepare for a party.

However you celebrate the season, we hope it’s as joyful, peaceful, safe, and stress-free as can be.

Happy Holidays!

9 Must-Do’s & Creative Ideas for a Festive ‘Friendsgiving 2021’

Move over Thanksgiving. There’s a new feast in town. Friendsgiving has given November a new meaning in recent years, and it’s making the holiday even better.

Really, why have one Turkey Day feast when you can have two or more throughout the month. After all, the more, the merrier. (You have enough merriment to last through both November and December, right?)

Friendsgiving offers one major bonus over its much older counterpart: less stress. Although you can make it even more extravagant than Thanksgiving if you wish, Friendsgiving can be an easygoing, pretention-free way to celebrate the holiday with friends who may have other commitments on Thanksgiving Day itself.

To truly make your Friendsgiving especially festive and memorable this year, make it all about the fun and casual vibe while making each guest feel truly welcome and valued. Your event may even be the hit of the season and become an annual tradition in your home!

Here are some ways to make your Friendsgiving 2021 outstanding.

  1. Formally invite guests to your casual party.

    Go beyond the basic email or text message and send formal, print invitations. The invitations will add a more official tone to the event while setting the stage of the theme. Follow up with phone calls and texts to make sure people received the invitations and to see whether or not they are planning to attend.

  2. Create a themed hashtag.

    Ask your guests to use the hashtag when they post images of the event on their social media accounts. If all goes well, you might end up using that same hashtag for years, essentially creating a “social media journal” of your Friendsgiving traditions.

  3. Post a signup sheet online for people to identify what they’re going to bring.

    This is a good way to avoid 10 variations of green bean casserole. (Does anyone actually enjoy that, by the way?) You may wish to list general categories of dishes you would like to see at your potluck and then ask people to sign up for them. That way, you avoid double-dishes while giving your guests leeway to make the dish as creative as they would like.

    For friends who prefer not to cook, don’t forget to include the “other” things that you will need, like plates, napkins, drinks, ice, olives, pickles, and so on.

  4. Oh, those drinks…

    You may wish to make it BYOB event and let everyone bring what they wish. Otherwise, you can make it a themed party by suggesting a certain beverage color or certain type of beverage. You might even choose to make it a mocktail party, which is especially ideal if children will be attending.

    Whatever you do, make sure you have something for everyone. Don’t forget to have enough everyday water, soda, and coffee available.

  5. Plan to make the main course.

    As the host, you get dibs on the star of the night. So, the turkey is on you! Whether you want to make a full turkey or the turkey breast alone, if you add your own special take on it, the main course is sure to become a fan favorite.

  6. Design beautiful place settings … or don’t. It’s your party.

    If your event is super casual or you don’t have space in your home for a full dining table, feel free to set everything out and have guests eat on the couch in front of the TV or while standing around the kitchen. Gather some bean bags, pillows, and blankets so people can even sit on the floor if they choose.

    If you are looking for a more elegant party, create place settings for each guest. Pinterest offers endless ideas for beautiful Friendsgiving place settings.

    For example, this simple touch can make your guests feel warm and welcome. Make sugar cookies by hand, and use icing to place each person’s initials on one of them. Tuck each one into a mini gift bag and seal it. Slightly decorate the bag with a Thanksgiving-themed touch, and place the cookie on the top plate to decorate each person’s place setting.

    Add Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving-themed décor throughout your home as well to enhance the festive vibe.

  7. Your guests need something else to do.

    Your company is the best! It’s doubtful anyone will need anything other than delicious food, drinks, and laughter with you and your other guests. But … you know, just in case … you should have some other fun things to do for the rest of the evening.

    Combine Friendsgiving and Game Night, for instance, or have a classic Thanksgiving movie playing in the background. (“Planes, Trains and Automobiles” anyone?) Consider a casino-themed Friendsgiving and make it a Poker Night. Remember to also have games and toys available for young children if they’re expected to attend.

  8. Consider a competition for the dish of the night.

    Just to make sure your guests add a little zing to their dishes and enjoy your Friendsgiving event even more, offer a small prize for the top chef. Create secret ballots ahead of time that people can use to vote for their favorite dish of the evening.

    Alternatively, create a contest for a particular food or drink item, such as hot chocolate, and have your guests sample each one to see which one takes the cake.

  9. Send them home happy.

    While you’re buying those bags, invest in a few larger ones that you can use as goodie bags. Fill them with various treats such as homemade cake pops and candies, and personalize each one.

    Think you’ve had enough of the food for one day? Instead of snacks, send your guests away with a mini mani/pedi kit, cooking utensils, a deck of cards and a pair of dice, or whatever else you think your guests would enjoy and that fits the theme of your party.

However you plan your Friendsgiving 2021 event, we hope it’s filled with lots of fun, love, and laughter. And just think, you get to do it all over again on Thanksgiving!

Have an amazing November!

COVID Halloween Take 2: Celebrating Safely During the Ongoing Pandemic

The wind whistles in the night. Fallen leaves make scratching sounds as they flutter along the sidewalk. The moon casts an eerie light on the world beneath it, and ghosts, scarecrows, and skeletons sway in the breeze.

Halloween is the best, isn’t it? … As long as visions of demons don’t dance in your head.

Michigan homeowners look forward to decorating their homes, trick-or-treating, and going to those haunted houses and hayrides all year long.

According to the National Retail Federation’s 2019 survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics, total spending for Halloween was expected to reach $8.8 billion, with $2.7 billion of that for decorations. Among those celebrating the holiday, 49 percent planned to decorate their home or yard.

Despite COVID-related restrictions for Halloween 2020, homeowners found innovative ways to decorate their homes and celebrate with their friends and neighbors outdoors. In some ways, it was one of the most memorable Halloweens yet here in Michigan.

Did you have such a blast last year that you want the trend to continue? Are you looking for unique ideas to keep the spirit alive? Don’t forget about these inspirational innovations:

  • Outdoor Halloween Tents: Celebrate safely outside, and play Halloween music softly in the background to contribute to the aura of the night.

  • Candy Chutes: Last year, Michigan homeowners created 6-foot or more long chutes to slide treats down to trick-or-treaters. Ironically, the fun social distancing technique made trick-or-treating even more of a treat.

  • Goodie Tables: Up and down the block, homeowners set up outdoor tables with treat bags and loose candy, allowing passersby to pick up what they wanted and head on their way.

    But that’s not what happened. What did happen was even better. People stayed and mingled with each other, creating a greater sense of community.

    That’s an especially smart idea for apartment communities, so you can get out, get to know your neighbors, and maybe make a new friend or two. … Or you can kindly scare them away if you prefer. It doesn’t make a difference to us. You do you.

  • Masks with a Purpose: Kill two monsters with one stone. Remember to mask up, especially if you’re not vaccinated or plan to party indoors. Make your mask a part of your costume, and there are so many ways to do so. The teeth of a skeleton? The creepy smile of a jack-o-lantern? Funny faces? With a little imagination and inspiration, a simple COVID mask may be all you need this year.

  • Trunk-or-Treat: It’s nothing new, but trunk-or-treat took on a greater role last Halloween. Tailgating meets trick-or-treating? Yes, please!

Whether it’s in front of your building, in your apartment, at a local hayride, in a haunted house, or out of the trunk of your car, Halloween is what you make it. So make it creative, fun, and, most important of all, safe.

Happy Halloween, Everyone!

Setting Your Home Up for Success at Work and School

Who knows what this coming year has in store, but one thing is for certain: School is starting, and it’s starting soon. By most accounts, many schools and colleges will be returning to in-person learning, but you may still have plenty of things to think about.

“Should I choose online classes just to be safe, or do I want the full college experience?” “How will I ever manage my family’s schedule with so much up in the air?” “Are my kids going to be in school in person all year, or should I plan for them to attend classes at home due to the Delta variant spreading so quickly?” “Will I have to figure out if I can continue to work from home indefinitely?”

We can’t answer all of life’s questions right now, but what we can do is this: offer suggestions on how to set your home up for success, no matter what life throws your way for the 2021-2022 school year.

Setting Up Your Home for Distance Learning and Work from Home

Let’s get the most basic of basics out of the way first: internet access.

Make sure your household internet access is powerful enough to keep up with everyone in your family, at all hours of the day, even if you have multiple devices in use at the same time.

You should also take some time to think about each person in your household and consider what he or she may need. You may wish to ask everyone about their experiences throughout 2020. What worked for them? What didn’t? And how can it all be better?

The most comfortable, productive environments for home offices or school workstations include several key features.

  1. A Door

    When you need to concentrate, call someone, or participate in a remote class, you will need block out — or keep in — the noise.

  2. Windows

    Natural lighting can improve mood, which has been shown to increase positivity and productivity. Windows will also make you feel more comfortable and simply allow for a more scenic atmosphere. If windows aren’t an option, make sure the nook has the ideal lighting to meet the individual’s preferences and needs.

  3. Ergonomic Furniture and Supplies

    If you are working from home or children are attending classes at home, that means you will be using those chairs, desks, and keyboards relentlessly. Invest in ergonomic chairs, high-quality furniture, and reliable equipment. Working from home lying on the floor or with your feet up on the living room sofa may be comfortable and rather fun, but after a while, your wrists, back, and shoulders will feel the effects.

    Along these lines, make sure you have cabinets or shelves for documents, books, or similar materials readily available at your workstation. The home office or study room should also be well-connected, allowing you or your children to work or attend classes without searching frantically through the rest of the home for a charger or the phone itself.

  4. Division

    Yes, it is possible to work from home and still consider it “home.” The trick is to stop working once you’re done. One way to ensure you separate your “work home” from the “home is where your heart is home” is to literally set it up to look different than the rest of the rooms. How?

    • Toss an area rug under the workstation. Once you’re on the rug, you’re at work. Step off, and you’re off. Don’t look back. As an added bonus, the rug will beautify the space, so you can take more pride in calling it your office or classroom.
    • Paint the walls a different color than the rest of your home.
    • Having some decor in your makeshift home office is a nice touch, but choose decor that is related to education or your career. Add some fresh greenery in the space as well for comfort and an aesthetic appeal.
    • If multiple people must work from home, try to ensure each person has his or her own space. Allow them to decorate the space in a way that reflects their own individuality and is most conducive to their success.

Finding the Ideal Spaces for a Home Office or Workstation

Are you thinking, “Sure, all of that sounds nice, but where?” Take a look around! There are likely plenty of spaces in your home that can be converted into a home office or personal classroom. You don’t need a lot of space; a few simple creative tweaks are all you need.

Consider these spaces:

  • A small portion of your kitchen, perhaps against a wall that isn’t being used
  • The corner of a hallway
  • A spare bedroom or a portion of a bedroom (as long as you keep your head off the pillow)
  • Unused space in the basement
  • A den/pocket office
  • A dedicated section of the living room
  • The dining room

We all hope life will get back to normal soon, and we are seeing life rebound to pre-pandemic days, slowly but surely. But you can’t deny that we all learned a lot throughout 2020, and we can apply much of it indefinitely.

In this case, we’ve learned that home is more than a place to shower, eat, sleep, and watch TV. You can make your home your palace, the place where you can live your best life.

Fun and Easy Ways to Lower Apartment Air Conditioning Costs this Summer

You can see it coming every year. You know you should take some steps to reduce energy costs, but you procrastinate as time goes on. Then the summer comes, you crank up the air conditioning, and those hefty bills creep into your email inbox. After gasping and nearly throwing the phone, you promise yourself you will do something to lower your apartment air conditioning costs next year.

Well here’s your chance! Get a head start on lowering air conditioning costs by researching ways to save, taking advantage of home design tips, making necessary home repairs, and buying items that may help keep you and your apartment more comfortable.

Simple Ways to Lower Apartment Air Conditioning Costs

The first tip is obvious: throw open the windows, breathe in the fresh air, and let nature keep your apartment cool instead of the air conditioner. If you have seasonal allergies, elderly residents reside in the home, or you must account for other health conditions, that might not be possible. It’s also not ideal if the temperature gets too high.

When that happens, you’ll need to be make an effort to reduce expenses. Here are some easy ways to do so.

  1. Enjoy the breeze from your ceiling fan.

    Trying to save money doesn’t have to mean sacrifice. In this case, you gain benefits. There’s just something about a ceiling fan that’s comforting, soothing, and almost nostalgic. Clearly, it’s also a great way to cool down your home, which will allow you to increase the setting on your thermostat. Set the ceiling fan at a high speed in a counterclockwise motion, which pushes cool air down. Crack open the windows at the same time for greater circulation.

  2. Keep up with air filter changes.

    If you live in one of our apartment communities in southeast Michigan, a member of our maintenance team will routinely take care of this for you.

    The air filter should be changed about two to four times per year depending on the size of your apartment, how often the air conditioner is used, and other household factors such as how many pets you have.

  3. Give your oven the summer off.

    Nothing will heat up your apartment like cranking up the oven knob — or even using the stovetop excessively.

    But look at the bright side. It’s a valid excuse to break out the barbecue grill or order delivery from your favorite metro Detroit area restaurant near your apartment.

    It’s also a great opportunity to freshen up your mad salad tossing skills.

  4. Be reasonable with the air conditioner.

    If you take some other measures to lower apartment air conditioning costs, you won’t have to freeze everyone out of your home.

    Go ahead and use the air conditioner! It’s one of the best features of our metro Detroit area apartments. But you don’t have to turn your home into an icebox. (That’s what pools are for.)

    DTE Energy recommends keeping your thermostat at 78 degrees. If you prefer it closer to 72, consider setting it at 74 instead. Those two degrees can save you a few dollars every month. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates a savings of about 1 percent for each degree for every eight hours.

    Speaking of hours, consider setting your air conditioner on a timer to account for the nighttime or periods when no one is home. According to DTE, with proper use throughout the year, programmable thermostats can save you about $180 annually in energy costs.

  5. Open and close your blinds strategically.

    If it’s sunny and that sun is baking the inside of your apartment, shut the blinds or close the curtains. If it’s nice and breezy in the evening, open up the windows to let the cool air in at night.

    You also may wish to create shade in your apartment by placing tall plants in front of the windows, on the patio, or in front of the sliding door.

  6. Keep yourself cool to stay cool.

    One way to stay cool in the summer is to opt for cotton bedding. The breathable fibers wick away sweat and help moderate your temperature.

    You can also take advantage of our beautiful amenities and serene grounds in order to stay cool. Sip on a cold drink under a shady tree, sit under a gazebo, relax by the pond, or head out to one of the nearby beaches, lakes, and rivers.

    And here’s the best part: You’ll always have a good excuse to go out for ice cream.

Contact Us For Details

If you currently rent one of our apartments in Michigan and need more information about our outdoor grilling, amenity use, or heating and cooling policies, call us or send us a message online.

If you are shopping for a metro Detroit area apartment, schedule a time for a virtual or in-person tour. We’ll help you find the perfect home for you.

Living with Roommates: How to Keep the Peace

We’ve all seen the sitcoms, where the characters have one argument after another as a result of someone in the household not living up to their responsibilities. It’s funny on TV, but not so much in real life.

Dishes left unwashed, late rent payments, and loud late-night conversations are only a few of the many issues that can make your living arrangement less than harmonious.

Of course, having roommates has many benefits, including companionship and smart money management.

The key is to lay out each resident’s preferences, duties, and compromises in advance. Setting ground rules will help you establish a more positive framework.

We’re not talking anything as extensive and unbendable as Sheldon’s Roommate Agreement here, but maybe the Big Bang Theory character’s quirks can serve as inspiration — on a much smaller level.

Before you move in together or accept a new roommate, sit down and have a long discussion about the following issues, along with any other unique concerns you may have.

  1. Talk about work, sleep, and showering schedules. If Roommate Adam works the night shift, Roommate Barbara might have to be careful not to make excessive noise during the day when Adam is trying to sleep, for example. This is going to be important, as it will determine your compatibility, as well as which level your ideal apartment will be.

  2. Determine how you will divide the rent and utility bills, as well as who will be responsible for giving the payment to the apartment community manager.

    How utility bills are paid can be somewhat tricky. For example, one person might work from home and therefore use more electricity and internet. You may wish to divide the payment fairly.

    However, to make life more copacetic, it may be easier to simply divide everything up evenly regardless of how things are used. Becoming hyper-focused on the little details will definitely get complicated, but this issue is something the two of you should agree on before you move in.

  3. Discuss meal preparation, as well as grocery and toiletry shopping. Figure out how you will pay, who will ensure that products in the home have not expired, who will do the cooking, and so on. In some cases, you will both prefer to eat out on a regular basis, but what about the basics like snacks, water, hand soap, and first-aid items?

  4. Divide up the chores fairly. You may wish to alternate by day, such as by saying Adam will wash the dishes on Mondays and Barbara will wash them on Tuesdays.

    An easier method would be determining which one of you will complete certain chores. Adam may like to take out the trash, while Barbara would prefer to vacuum the carpet, for example.

    Another option may even be that one person is responsible for a majority of the chores, but the other pays more of the rent.

    It doesn’t matter how you divide up the chores, as long as you do it equitably and reasonably.

  5. Talk about each other’s personal preferences regarding privacy. Will you both come and go freely? Or will you check in with each other if you’re going to be out for the night or a week?

  6. Make sure you are compatible regarding visitors. Do you both like to have people visit regularly? Are you both OK with walking in and finding visitors in your apartment? Or will you discuss visitors beforehand? It may even be the opposite situation, where you would prefer a relaxed, quiet living arrangement. Whatever the case may be, you should both be on the same page regarding visitors.

  7. Talk about what will be off limits, such as toiletries and living space. Ideally, each of you would have a bedroom, for example, so you should avoid going into each other’s bedrooms without permission.

In addition to gathering a miniature roommate agreement, you may wish to download helpful apps on your phone, such as Venmo. Through this app, you can pay each other for rent, groceries, utility bills, and so on.

Finally, one of the best ways to maintain harmony among roommates is to be somewhat flexible. If one of you skips a chore one time in a month, go ahead and do it for them, for example. Creating a harmonious roommate relationship, or any relationship for that matter, requires some give and take.

As long as you both give as well as take, everything should be fine.

Not sure about something? Ask

The office and maintenance team are here to help you, so if you want to paint a wall, adopt a cat, or upgrade an existing light fixture and you’re not sure if you’re allowed to, ask. Also, check your lease for specific guidelines. You can style your apartment to reflect your personality by adding cool furnishings and homey decorations, but just make sure your efforts are not counter to your lease agreement. Let’s talk!

COVID Message; Residents

Dear residents, we are continuing to monitor developments with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to the state of emergency currently in effect in our state, we are modifying certain services in order to try to keep everyone safe. We request that residents who are sick with flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, etc., call or email us instead of coming directly into the office. The office has discontinued serving snacks and/or beverages for the time being. Although maintenance requests will remain available, our employees are required to confirm that no one is sick with flu-like symptoms in your home before completing the request. If you are ill and have a non-emergency maintenance request, please understand we will not be able to complete your request until you let management know that everyone in the household has been symptom free for at least fourteen days. If we do not hear back from you, we will follow up to check your health status, maintenance needs, and to schedule a maintenance visit. If you have chosen to self-quarantine, please notify us when requesting maintenance so we can avoid your home until your quarantine is over. Lastly, we have increased our cleaning strategies in our office, closed non-essential common areas, and are currently discontinuing all resident group activities for the time being. While we continue to work through this evolving situation, we have implemented a “no handshake policy” to help prevent the spread of germs.


Dog Walker Group Offers Services
People love their pets, but that love can get somewhat strained when that fur baby scratches up the couch or mangles a new pair of shoes.